Monday, March 23, 2015

The Impact of Water on Diet Health

As far as my personal research on hydration of the body, it really had been the book "The Body's Many Cries for Water" by Dr. Batmanghelidj, that brought to light the impact of dehydration on animal physiology, and how a drought management system is employed by the brain upon initial dehydration of the body from consumption of food that lacks sufficient water or that arrives into an insufficiently hydrated body.

However, there is a difference between tap water, spring water and biological water.

Tap water - been standing for too long, H2O molecule structures have deteriorated and its fourth phase along with it. To learn what the Fourth Phase of Water is, in order to continue to comprehend this article, watch this TED talk by Dr. Gerald Pollack:

Spring Water - The journey that the water has taken is always in motion, and under conditions of shade, and the water can retain its colder temperature and thus its fourth and more condensed phase.To understand this further, watch the following video about the theories of Viktor Schauberger on the pristine quality of spring water evinced by this journey. 

Biological water - the space between the cells and the space within the cell are sources of water. The ocean outside the cell is salted, while the ocean within the cell is regulated and more hydrated. The interior of cell and the cell's membrane are filled with water and held there by the adhesive properties of water. 

Food that sits for too long has lost its vitality, and thus it ages and decays. This is evinced by the decaying edifice of the vegetable, fruit and game. Water has to move, otherwise it becomes acidic, as molecular bonds between water molecules are severed momentarily. 

Hydroxyl radicals are formed from water by the cleavage of a single hydrogen atom from the H2O complex (2 Hydrogens to 1 Oxygen). This Hydroxyl radical, denoted OH-, is chemically unstable and thus reactive to other molecules, as it snatches a hydrogen back to fill its octet, but the structure it snatched it off is oxidized and its structure integrity is compromised.

The difference between cold Water and Hot Water

The impact of cold water - less reactive.
The impact of hot water - more reactive.

Heat excites the bonds between atoms, as its higher frequency electromagnetically passes through molecular structures, causing disturbance in the bond and its electromagnetic connection. 

Cold water has more of a propensity to coalesce into crystalline geometries, which is the fourth phase of water. The presence of water is higher, while the presence of hydroxyl radicals are fewer and possibly none. 

In this sense, the boiling and drinking of hot water is a voluntary invitation of hydroxyl radicals into the space within the pipes of the gut system. Hydroxyl radicals are not bad, as the body employs mechanisms that utilizes the stage of water when it could potentially become reactive and oxidative. 

This may be the catalyst for the impact of beverages, such as tea, as it breaks apart tanins and plant materials via the process of stress by hydroxyl radicals. Such may be the impact of warm water on lemon, as you drink it first thing in the morning to flush the Liver and prepare the gut for the meals of the day. Though, cold water may be only appreciated on its own, in its spring and pristine form. 


Biology makes water and earth into networking structures that sustain its integrity in form. This intelligence, that operates behind biology, is also psychological, and it works in a uniform fashion across species and kingdoms. Our cells, as humans, have such an intelligence that holds its form by nutrients, vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. Those nutrients and catalysts are found also in plant cells and take an active role in intracellular mechanisms. 

A cell that has been dismembered by toxins from wastes over long periods of time, requires healing and repair, or it choses programmed cell death. Your body requires pristine water and biochemically active molecular machines, with a capacity to fulfill enzymatic or antioxidant functions. The combination of the two results in hydration of the body and the transport of nutrients through a higher volume of blood in the circulatory system. 

Nutrients can reach and replenish, along with water, deeply dehydrated locations in the body, who have overheated. 

The biological structure of freshly squeezed juice, preferably vegetable base and hight volume water containing fruit, are restorers of health, as there is ample pristine water and a balanced composition of gases and salts. 

The repercussions of adding more water

A switch to such a diet, of more liquids, hydrates the body, but at the same time it washes away wastes and debris. This indicates an increase in detoxification mechanisms across the body, to eliminate the heavy metals, acidic gases and to alkaline the environment. Once you reach a more Liquidarian diet, of only liquid-base meals, any addition of dry food will affect digestion and energy levels.

Though, deciding against proper hydration of the body usually results in a karmic effect of water deprivation. This thirst affects the brain cells first, as their water volume is 85% of their cell, while most other cells require 75% to their volume, thus a decrease is felt first in cognitive capacity. Later on organs of the body will overheat and become lazy. The addition of water reverses the mental fogginess and cools down the internal organs.

The benefits from taking Baths

In Leonard Orr's book "Breaking the Death Habit", he shares how immortal yogis keep their body for hundreds of years. He shares that these practicing yogis take a bath twice a day; one in the morning and one in the evening. According to my investigations and processing, it is the hydration of the body through the skin that keeps the skin nourished, and thus the appearance of an immortal and young edifice. 

The internal consumption of water via the mouth, whether hot or cold, usually hydrates and nourishes the piping system first - the gut - and then spreads out to the organs packed in its vicinity. If there is sufficient water, organs can cool down because of the cooling properties the water gives to the blood circulatory system. 

However, there must be sufficient water intake to cool down the impact of food processing in those organs. Not enough water can overheat an organ, because of the dryness of the food, but an increase in liquid will supply the cooling effect of water to fill the volume between food particles in digestion and nutrient transport in the blood vessels. 

When one goes into the ocean for a dip, a swim or a sport, they cover a larger part of their body with water, which can then enter the body's circulatory system through the permeability of the skin. Being lost at sea can severely dehydrate a person, who may become ill and die from drinking sea water at its current state of being beaten by the sun, but can instead submerge his body into the ocean; hydrating his body and allowing salts to enter in order to aid in the hydration.

The addition of salts into a bath is what helps carry water into the cell. Salts, like Epsom Salt and Dead Sea Salts, hold a nutrient content that works as signals and cofactors in water absorption, retention and metabolism. The movement of water within the body is elicited by pumps and valves, and for the contraction of a muscle there is a need for elements, such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium, to trigger biological movements. 

Conclusively, a bath hydrates the skin and helps pull toxins out of the cell and disperse them into the water. 

The common cause of Constipation

It is worth to note, that most toxins are in a very toxin form and must be detoxified into a water-soluble metabolite form. Unfortunately, most toxins go to the Liver and there they are transmuted into a less reactive form, thus creating the overheating of the Liver. Its desire to flush these toxins leads to its appearance in urine and feces. Because of the toxin's dehydrating effect, stool can become very dry and produce the common effect of Constipation.

Water is the transporter of these detoxified toxins. When a toxin is transmuted into a lesser reactive form, an amino acid is attached to its structure, effectively making the toxin water soluble (due to the polar attraction the amino acid has on the water molecule). In a dehydrated body, not enough water molecules are present to smoothly carry out the stool, thus constipation is established. Water works as a natural laxative, as it secures the hydration of the lumen and the movement of its contents.


Water has a major role on our physiological health. When we adequately hydrate, the mental strain lifts due to the tension release of nerve cells, thus it also effects us psychologically.

Our performance deeply relays on a hydrated body while we pursue a lifestyle of eating. The movement of nutrients inside and outside of the cell is greatly impacted by the volume of fluids. An environment that is clogged up will not allow the old to be eliminated and the new to wash through and refresh the body. 

It is like a tube, where matter can get stuck and dry in the middle of the pipe. This is literally a symbol that represents a blockage. When adding water on top of that, the water will start corroding the dryness and lifting up the blockage. Eventually the water will break this blockage and the pipe will be free of obstruction and well on its way to supplying hydration to the rest of the body.

Do not mistake thirst for hunger.

Deepest blessings,
Joel D. Jacobson

Nutrition Self Mastery Teacher

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