to World War 2 it has been established in the medical community that
Grains, Legumes, Milk and Sugar causes obesity, and to lose weight your
doctor would advise you to refrain from all of these foods[3].
Prior to the advent of agriculture, approximately 12,000 years ago,
human beings were eating lean meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits,
roots, nuts and seeds, seasonally and fresh (plus everything was
organic). What happened post WW2 that changed this established
guidelines completely?

The Lipid Hypothesis
stated that Heart Disease was caused by cholesterol forming a plague in
your arteries, and that this cholesterol comes from saturated fat.
Therefore, saturated fat is the culprit. However, this hypothesis has
never been proven correct, as every single study was actually pointing
in the direction of plague formation by oxidation of LDL particles. The
fatty proteins (LDL), which carry cholesterol from the liver, through
the blood stream, to an area of inflammation, is now considered
essential, because cholesterol acts as a bandage. Then the rise of
cholesterol in the blood stream is an indication for something else
driving this disease, rather then the direct cause.
the food industry has been backed by the health industry, as many
people going to medical school are taught to believe in the Lipid
Hypothesis and the rest of the nation is fed it through the mainstream
media industry.
real story being uncovered as the culprit in heart disease and
arteriosclerosis has to do with malnutrition and consumption of unstable
has been found to irritate the lining of the blood vessels, inducing
inflammation, which in turn cascades a mechanism that involves shipment
of cholesterol to the inflamed area to bandage the fatty membranes of
cells harmed by this irritant. Dr. Kilmer S. McCully was the first to propose the homocysteine theory of cardiovascular disease[7], and is the author of the book, The Homocysteine Revolution.
His theory was received with great excitement, but in the 70's he lost
his job and spent 2 years looking for one, later discovering he was
placed on a blacklist.
Homocysteine is a transition compound between synthesis of amino acid Methionine into Cysteine and vise verse. This process requires vitamin B9 and B12, but deficiency in either slows the conversion rate and increases homocysteine levels in the blood stream[8].
Homocysteine is a transition compound between synthesis of amino acid Methionine into Cysteine and vise verse. This process requires vitamin B9 and B12, but deficiency in either slows the conversion rate and increases homocysteine levels in the blood stream[8].
Glucose has been observed to oxidize LDL particles[9].
Simple sugars are toxic in the blood stream, and to combat this effect
the pancreas secretes Insulin, whom is in charge of signalling cells to
intake glucose, and once the cells are satiated, Insulin converts the
sugar into fat for storage in fat cells. Insulin has also been observed
to switch off the livers mechanism of converting proteins into glucose
for energy[10]. Since animal proteins and fats
were a great source of stable energy for about 2 million years, the
switch to direct intake of glucose disrupts our energy conversion of
meat and instead we experience a sharp glycemic load that harms our arteries and drives our weight up.
remember, grains are complex carbohydrates, which means that they are
long chains of simple sugars attached together to form a complex
structure. This takes longer for the body to break down, therefore their
effect compared to refined sugar isn't as immediate. Our digestive
tract is designed to break down fats and proteins[11],
and so grains are digested and fermented by bacteria in the
gastrointestinal tract. You can get a high glycemic load from consuming
white bread and whole bread, though whole bread has extra fiber that
slows the absorption of the sugar molecules into the blood stream.
and exposure to sugars, whether refined or complex, are the underlining
cause of heart disease. Intake of saturated fat has been observed to
increase the quality of LDL particles[12] and increase HDL in the blood stream[13].
Coconut Oil is 90% saturated fat. 50%[14] of that saturated fat is a fatty acid called Lauric Acid, which has been observed to convert easily in the liver to quick and available energy[15], due to its medium length chain structure, as well as have anti-bacterial[16], -viral[17] and -fungal[18] properties. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil also has phenolic compounds that have been observed to have antioxidant capacity[19].
supplying your body with this saturated building block. If your cells
are coated mainly by fat, and coconut oil has been found to heal acne[20],
then would you deduce that cells use saturated fat as a quality
building block for their cell's wall? Note, that they also observed how a
low-carbohydrate diet is correlated with improvement of acne[21].
your cells can have a better armor if they have the right fatty acids
incorporated in their membranes, i.e. saturated fats. Though, a health
cell membrane has also monounsaturated fats, like from olive oil, and
polyunsaturated fats, like omega 3 and 6. However, because of the
unstable nature of polyunsaturated fatty acids, you want to consume less
of them but still maintain a ratio of approximately 1:1. Our brains
developed because we ate animal meat and fish high in omega 3, where
plant matter was a bit more difficult to do.
In conclusion
ancestors developed their intellectual capacity from consumption of
fat, that evidently attributed the development of higher communications
essential for constructing an intricate civilization. Fat is a great
source of energy and meat has always been a condense source of this
nutrient. For our cell wall health, fat and cholesterol are the main
constituents, while protein makes up 70% of the dry matter of the cell.
agenda to sell a certain oil has driven the industry to confuse the
public for mere money. People are suffering from neurological disorders
because of their lack of stable-saturated fatty acids in their diets.
Coconut oil is making a big return, and fascinatingly enough, in the
Philippines they use it as well as a source of fuel for their cars[22].
We run better on fat, that's a fact.
Fat doesn't make you fat, that's a fact.
You have a fathead, as Tom Naughton explains in his documentary Fathead.
is your responsibility to take care of your cells, by supplying them
their building blocks. Your nutrition is essentially their nutrition.
You can only protect your cells and their organelles by eating an
evolutionary, organic, seasonal and fresh diet.
The Responsibility is in your hands.
To your health!
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