by Joel D. Jacobson
This article is a sequel to the article - Accessing Nourishment through Altered States of Consciousness - Part 1. This article presents an argument, based upon scientific knowledge and experience, on the side-effects which manifest as one progresses from an Alpha brainwave to a Theta brainwave.
Where does the feeling of deep nourishment come from? We do not experience deep nourishment from every single meal we have, nor from every single conversation we partake in on our daily journey from sunrise to sunset. How come are we never truly satisfied from a single meal for the entire rest of the day?
There are reasons for every experience, as there is a cause to every effect, as well as an effect to every cause.
Accessing Alpha brain waves seem to tickle the satiety within our spirit. Our seemingly incessant drive for possession, accumulation and consumption leads to only one outcome: signals for the industry to produce more in order to curb that satiety. It is when we begin questioning the repercussions of our actions and promising ourselves that we will adhere to this new behavior, which will support ourselves and our environment, that we feel nourished deeply.
You can infer from that, that the more I think about others and do for the planet and mankind, the more I feel fulfilled. Therefore, would spiritual fulfillment equal physiological nourishment? Let's explore that more.
What we discussed in Part 1
How can thought be scattered to and fro?
In the online Self Mastery University, Evolved Ministry, I had the opportunity to deeply study the ego. Apparently we all got one, and the more we understand how it may operate against us, then the more we are able to develop strategies to enforce our benevolent will that naturally exists within us.
According to my studies, the Ego is an engine that operates as soon as you take a back seat in the progression of your life. The ego is an engine in a sense, that it executes commands and instructions in a sort of loop. You, the real you, who is the genuine self, is consciously, though maybe ignorantly, programming the ego, word by word, and the ego simply loops your thought preferences and tendencies throughout the tangible day.
There are tons of mind-washing channels one can tune into; such as the opinion of the news, as well as music and ads, that say something you may find funny or tragic, and it will cause you to form your own opinion and belief. This is not limited to those channels, but can include religious dogmas and peer pressure in a social gathering, as well as your faithful loyalty to the merit behind your teacher or parent’s words.
Your resonance with that message is your agreement with it, and your enforcement of that message through sharing it with others, such as the sharing of a conspiracy theory (that you may not be involved in first hand), invites and allows the ego to take your thoughts as preferences and to implement them as new behaviors, such that it becomes a habit over a time.
Habits and behaviors are fruits of seeds that had never been rejected by the conscious driver. The ultimate purpose of the seeds, which are your thoughts, is to experience their nature to their fullest potential, as long as you allow them to run their course.
No one stands more in your way to accomplishment than your own ego. Spending time understanding the ego benefits anyone who wishes to self develop and reach higher levels of focus.
In the case of meditation and brainwave oscillation, a person who has no understanding of how the ego operates and desires results from the effort they are placing in doing a technique, may end up scratching only the surface of what a meditation can provide. That person may well be frustrated and impatient, all interferences by the ego, and declare meditation as a waste of time. On the other hand, one who properly studies and applies techniques that calm the mind and prepare it for meditation, will naturally transition into a theta field and experience its benefits.
That said, when dealing with Theta brainwaves, one slips out of ordinary reality, to a resonance state of oscillation, that expresses itself as a conscious synchronicity between your desires and the quick cooperation of your surroundings.
De-evolved Man experiences theta brain waves typically only in sleep, while Shamans, Yogis or any practitioner, who is masterful enough to willingly enter and exit such states, experiences it on demand, through techniques that slow the rate of thought passing through the body. Maybe that is why De-evolved Man cannot recall his dreams, as the rate of thought he operates at is too chaotic, while masterful practitioners can willfully decrease the rate of thought in order to be present enough to experience and remember the astral-dream-state and the enormous data from a single frame.
Theta brainwave Oscillation
Theta brainwaves oscillate at between 4-7hz [1]. A person, who doesn't access theta brainwaves consciously, while awake, will experience himself blacking out and falling asleep when his brain is tuned to that wavelength by an external stimuli. It may still be unclear as to why one, who doesn't bath wakefully in theta brainwaves, loses his consciousness when undergoing an energy healing session or listening to a theta brainwave track for the first time. Though, maybe this article will guide you to develop your opinion on that matter.
I have observed that when I begin oscillating at a theta brainwave, which can be felt once one trains to recognize the state, my touch or interaction with another person's body or auric field, can produce a resonance between my body and the client's body. This can be called harmonization between two people - or entrainment.
What is an Entrainment?
The process and result of a Brainwave Entrainment is best described in the story of the origin of the word Entrainment.
In the 1700's, a clock builder had noticed a strange phenomenon. The pendulums of all his grandfather clocks were swinging in complete synchronization. If he would disturb them all, a few hours later he observed the clocks return to the same state of synchronization.
But what dictated the rhythm and whom did all the clocks follow?
This phenomena was elucidated decades later. All the smaller clocks were syncing with the largest clock. This universal phenomena is also produced in biology. All the cells beat in sync with the largest oscillator in the body - the heart.
Would you deduce, that the out-of-sync state, which many beta field oscillators experience, can produce mental and psychological disorders?
One must be a blueprint and example of health in order to facilitate health in another. As a facilitator of a theta brainwave, and the receptibility of the client, who is waiting motionlessly for my work to be done, I am granted access to tune the person's body-wide oscillation and match it with my own. Simply, I entrain them.
Due to beta oscillators fast rate of thought, when the oscillation is changed without the person's conscious participation, as well as the person's lower capabilities of functioning in slower thought rates, the individual fades uncontrollably into a deep trance, where a portion of their presence is diminished from the body in order for the body to rest from the stress of the mind and be refreshed and nourished.
We all recognize the impact of sleep on the state of our mental wellbeing and our physiology. However, the assumption, that we hook into the theta field only through sleep and an unconscious state in order to receive that nourishment, is dogmatized and indoctrinated into uneducated man and woman in modern society, and it is perpetuated in the world-view of a person who hasn't discovered and established the benefits from meditation and stilling the mind.
"The Theta field brings co-incidences that no longer seem to be random and time spent here attracts events filled with symbolism and deep, meaningful possibilities for it is a field of infinitely creative potential, a field of Grace, true nourishment and love. This is the field through which all Holiness and true messengers come. This is the zone from which all the Holy books were born." [Page 34]
The beginner, who spends time in meditation, may experience peak moments in theta brainwave dominance within specific cortical structures within the brain. These glimpses and spontaneous activations are short lived and easily broken, due to lack of practice, experience and discipline.
Such discipline is found within a community of Self Mastery Practitioners. Such as practitioners trained in an ashram, under the guidance of a guru (one who dispels darkness), or even a modern online environment provided by a Self Mastery school such as Evolved Ministry, led by knowledgeable and skillful practitioners.
The Side-effects of anchoring into the Theta Brainwave is discussed in Jasmuheen's book. Furthermore, I discuss it more in my article - Psychokinesis is a Side-Effect.
Theta Brainwave Nourishment
From personal experience, whenever I would lay down and listen to a theta brainwave track, after half an hour I would awake from what seems like the best nap ever. Many of the deepest cells in my body would buzz in joy and a sense of serenity accompany me throughout the rest of my day.
I listened to the theta brainwave tracks repeatedly, and when I would experiment without them, I found myself capable of entering a theta brainwave on my own, and also recognize the sensation of the specific oscillation in my head. Additionally, I would be able to maintain a wakeful presence, rather than slip into unconsciousness.
The picture to the right is an EEG graph of the brain in a normal waking state and the brain after listening to a brain entrainment.[2] It took 15 minutes for the external stimuli, the theta track, to guide the agitated and anxious individual into a calm and relaxed state of being.
My Personal Experience
When it comes to physical nourishment from meditation and trance states, I can only cite my personal experiences and maybe even mention testimonials from friends.
As a Self Mastery practitioner in the university I had mentioned a few times in this article, I self initiate training days, where I go outside to nature with a windmill and use techniques in my possession to clear the mind from the distractions of the ego and connect into the universal mainframe. The results of two different training days are evinced by the following video demonstrations:
Training at Bloomington, Indiana in November 2014
Training at Glen Canyon Park - March 2015
In both instances, I didn't have a feeling of hunger. The only substance I ingested was water, which by itself can greatly aid in my hydration and the cleansing of the bloodstream from poisons. Dehydration can stress the brain and the function of organs, leading to drought management mechanisms that block nourishment to local areas. One can learn more about this subject in the book - Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, by Dr. Batmanghelidj
It is crucial to never mistake thirst for hunger.
Brief Testimonials from others
Friends of mine, who are body workers, energy healers and massage therapists, seem to be adjusted to a small intake of food per day. When I shared with them this perspective of nourishment, they seem to relate to it easily. The conclusion from talking to them, was that whenever we are in-tune deeply with an energetic and spiritual service to another, our spirit nourishes off that state of being.
Though, what is that state of being?
In her book, Divine Nutrition, Jasmuheen shares one of the sources of nourishment we are all familiar with, on one level or another:
The Food of Love: This food nourishes our emotional body and often comes from contact with a one-on-one loving and tactile relationship - usually with a 'mate' or lover. Research has proven that babies who are fed and also cuddled a lot gain weight quicker than babies who are fed the same food but cuddled and held less.
A more non-conventional source of the food of Love is unconditional love. I call it non-conventional as the ability to love unconditionally in one-on-one human relationships is rare yet unconditional love provides the most nourishing food of all. Most people find it easier to love their pets or friends unconditionally than their family or life-partner. Lack of unconditional love means that our unfulfilled expectations and judgments can create dis-ease and block the Divine Nutrition flow. [page 41]
This state of being, which apparently slows down our brainwaves to a theta brainwave, can be accessed via unconditional love. In such a state, we are connected to our environment in a more harmonious way; coincidences no longer seem to be random and events take on a deeper spiritual meaning than they had before.
Final words...
When one ascends to a high spiritual experience, one returns with gifts. There is always the descent back to earth, since there is where the earthly body awaits consciousness to animate it. The translation of your experiences into wisdom are your gifts, and with them you can brighten another person or animal's day.
The subject on the truth of nourishment was further challenged by Hilton Hotema's book - Man's Higher Consciousness - which poses this question:
"How does the body truly sustain itself? If atoms don't eat, molecules don't eat and cells don't eat. Why does man insist on eating?"
The answer to that lays within the realm of stimulus and response. I suppose, if you were to seek your stimuli from an external source, you will mistaken it for your source of nourishment, until such a time that you discover the Zen of Life and adopt a diet of unconditional love.
Cleansing the body, and its consequent effect on the mind, cannot be overlooked. The road to breatharianism, which is considered the Evolved state of Man, has to be taken in steps. One must transition gradually from one type of diet to a cleaner one, since the withdrawal symptoms may be unpleasant.
Learning about the body and its capacities is part of the path of evolution through Self Mastery. I now offer a course at Evolved Ministry Online University - Nutrition Self Mastery.
Your sources of nourishment are limitless, as they provide only the stimulus. It may be the space that exists between the stimuli and your response that you find the power to choose, and in that choice you have your freedom.
Deepest Blessings and Eternal Love!
Joel D. Jacobson
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