Written by Joel David Jacobson

I am proud to say that my passion for Self Mastering Nutrition has brought me to a new level of Self Confidence, and a grand level of Self Empowerment. Now I only needed a platform that would allow me to network with as many people, whom would be interested in mastering an art that I feel ready to share.
I believe that Nutrition is a Wisdom Science, based upon the fathers of science - Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology. When one is offered knowledge and guided to sources of wisdom, than one can rise up empowered and formulate an opinion based on personal interaction with knowledge of the natural world around him.
A platform for distribution of such Wisdom is now available, but a little background is necessary.

The same circumstances, that led him to leave the school, had me disheartened and unmotivated. I became a paying member at his online university, in the hopes to revive my energy practice. I immediately recognized the importance of the lessons he teaches, which encouraged me to continue my Energy Mastery practice following his curriculum and guidance.
His school, according to Michael, is a self mastery community, where he is open to other forms of self mastery in fields ranging from Gardening, Sustainability, Environment, Mechanics and my contribution - Nutrition.
His school, according to Michael, is a self mastery community, where he is open to other forms of self mastery in fields ranging from Gardening, Sustainability, Environment, Mechanics and my contribution - Nutrition.

All these years of researching and investigating the literature online, in books and personal dietary experiments, had me on a path of Self Mastery. I developed on my own, without guidance from "institutionalized teachers", a high degree of proficiency at acquiring knowledge, and moreover, integrating it to where it became useful in my daily existence. I truly feel I own self healing tools.
When Michael Grubb read my introduction post in the forums, he learned that I am knowledgeable in nutrition. We held a skype call one day, where I showed him the extent of my content I can cover, and since then he has given me the freedom to construct a course in his Self Mastery online University.
This university is one of its kind. It also offers a Referral system; anyone who joins under your referral, you receive a commission - that means, a percentage of what they pay for their membership goes to you.
Five months have passed, and I have completed an introductory course to nutrition.
About the Course
The Introductory course is designed to build a foundation of basic concepts. The goal of the Introductory course is to prepare you for the next courses that follow.
Think of it as; if you know basic concepts, than when I discuss with you bigger concepts, I would be able to remain with you on an advance level. Otherwise, if you were to hear me ramble about big concepts, when you don't have the foundation of concepts to make sense of 50% of the words that I am saying, you will end up asking basic questions just to rise up from your confusion.
Wisdom is gained from accessing a foundation, while tackling advance knowledge and ideas.
The Design of the Introductory Course

I specifically picked these Lessons in order to cover concepts in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology, that will lay a foundation for those who have none, or refresh the knowledge in individuals who have studied it in the past.
The goal in the Introductory course is to offer you a systematic and gradual process of gaining this knowledge, where you are offered information that I chose, out of the consideration that it will guide you step by step to appreciate the effect of nutrition from the microcosm - the constituents of matter (atoms) - to the macrocosm - the constituents of human physiology (cells).
The importance of Integration
As much as it is important for you to read and absorb the knowledge offered in the Introductory course or any course that follows, it is even more important to integrate it.
Due to the fact that we are spiritual beings capable of absorbing and projecting, many people neglect the wisdom of projecting knowledge as soon as it is absorbed. Successful integration of knowledge requires the soul to express that knowledge in physical terms - symbolism that involves action psychically or physically.

You have done your due diligence by reading the Lesson content, as well as utilized the tips I share in my Introduction Lesson, but to successfully move on to the next Lesson, you are asked to answer a list of questions designed to aid you in integrating the knowledge further.
Sometimes it is easier to remember something when you have been asked to form an opinion about the knowledge you acquired. Also, much of the wisdom truly comes from being asked to share your opinion and answer a question that is really there to strengthen your neural connections to the information you have just spent hours and days absorbing and contemplating.
Course Support
As a student on the path of Self Mastery in the field of Nutrition and Self Healing, you have instructors to support you. Those who know, can guide you through the maze of knowledge to reach wisdom. They are the best aid in integrating the knowledge conceptually.
Tools in your Possession

Final Words...
Since the day you were born, you have been denied by your environment access to Self Healing tools, that can only be obtained by acquiring knowledge, contemplating it, and utilizing it. I have learned long ago that I am the only person that can take care of myself, and that I should never... ever... ever... wait for someone to help me or to heal me. A complete integration of this life lesson has healed me from many ailments.
We are all actively acting in our own stories, as our egos entertain fantasies of pasts deeds and future desires. Are you ready to graduate from victim consciousness into prosperity consciousness?
Truly discover how far the rabbit hole really goes - www.evolvedministry.com
Eternal LOVE 17.777777 (infinity)
Joel David Jacobson
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