Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - A Review

The following is my review of a 511 page book I had recently finished reading over a period of 2 months. Due to insufficient space in such a review, I will give a generalized overview of the book's content.

If one would perceive physical "aging" as simply a condition of physical "degeneration", one would take measurements to investigate what brought about the loss of cellular integrity.

What degenerates you?
Do you have tantrums?
Do you have a foggy mind?
Do you ever have criminal urges?
Is it difficult for you to remember things?
What did you eat this morning?
Have you suffered in the past from tooth decay?
Are you still suffering from tooth decay?

According to a 511 page book I just finished reading, called "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration", my body, and the body of many other people I know, is physically unfit for primitive lifestyles under the "modernized" foods of commerce.

Fortunately, I have left the White Man's foods and have found excellent stamina and physical regeneration. I hardly brush my teeth anymore because I have identified several years ago the reasons for bone density loss (osteoporosis) and immunity susceptibility to states of disease, and this book confirmed for me much of what I had experienced.

The author, Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist, was concerned for the increasing incidence of tooth decay and dental arch deformities in the United States. His concern took him to investigate, observe, document and analyze, different cultures around the world. For that task, he needed a control group - a group within that culture that has a very high immunity to tooth decay and has no record of physical degeneration within their racial stock.

Dr. Price spent the 1930s traveling to 14 different cultures on 5 different continents. Where he had examined the teeth of thousands of primitive tribal men, women and children, who subsisted on their primitive diets (fresh, local and seasonal food, each culture having a unique diet that the climate and land conditions allowed). Then Dr. Price visited and documented extensively the physical degeneration of many primitive groups who had begun the process of modernization, as well as groups who had been converted entirely to subsisting on modern food. In many cases, these modernized men and women gave birth to children who had shown marked physical deformities in facial development, teeth, and body shape.

The aspect of diet, what to eat or what not to eat, was largely discussed in this book. However, instead of focusing on the nature of the modernized foods, it was clearly demonstrated what factors within the primitive groups had greatly maintained their excellent physiques, even to very late ages.

Repeatedly it is demonstrated, via photographs of smiling teeth and x-ray shots, that excellence of the primitive racial stocks compared to the modernized groups. The Swiss in the Alps, the Gaelics in the Hebrides, The Aborigines in Australia, the Masai warrior tribe in Africa, the Eskimos in Canada, the Indians in Peru, are a handful of the cultures that had been investigated. In each case, as if we can finally recognize nature's pattern, we see that the primitive groups had nearly 100% immunity to all physical degenerations, and a very low incidence of tooth decay.

On the other hand, wherever the road, railway or ports allowed access of imported goods from the modernized world, we see that the people exchanging their nutritionally wealthy foods for the white man's white bread, sugar, jams, canned foods etc., suffer greatly from the impact of the mineral and vitamin deficient food. The White Man developed a mentality of providing only energy and heat generating food for its masses, while the primitive races had maintained a close relationship with the body-building and body-repairing minerals and vitamins.

Civilizations tend to fall as a consequence of physical degeneration. However, it is the soil that gives out first, as farm land becomes exhausted from mineral depletion. But why would that happen? It can only happen in a system that supports exporting the minerals from the land out of the land. Only a system, which the primitives were aware of, that is able to return the minerals back to the land, would be able to nourish the plants. All animals, including man, inherits the pattern and composition of minerals that was available for the plant. If the land has degenerated, man will too. Such has been observed in large populations prior to World War 2, and such can be observed by photographs documented by Dr. Price of entire herds of cows that degenerated due to deficiencies.

Due to a growing concern of increased sterility in modernized populations, largely because of the deformity in both sperm and egg, and increased incidence of birth defects and loss of child at birth, the urge to investigate the reasons for this phenomenon had propelled many scientists to determine the factors involved in the deformity in nature's design. The book elucidates many of the factors that had inflicted primitive groups undergoing the process of modernization. The consequences are not limited to physical degeneration alone, but also include impaired brain development, which has been associated with the rising incidence in criminal behaviors as well as learning disabilities.

Could food, and the state of the soil it had come from, have an impact on physical development and performance?
Has this crucial knowledge and wisdom presented in the book's message propel society to incorporate nutritional guidelines?
How important is it for the parents to plan ahead the bearing of a child into the world?

And how did primitive groups succeed in developing a next generation that carried perfect physical, mental, behavioral and spiritual capacities?

There are many questions answered within the book, which I am glad that I carry with me the wisdom of primitive racial groups. We have much to thank Dr. Price for his contribution to humanity. It is unfortunate that many people misinterpret his main messages, let alone ignore the stark evidence of physical degeneration due to poor quality of food.

Are you hungry for change?

Joel D. Jacobson
Teacher at Evolved Ministry
Online Self Mastery University

Study at the pace of your evolution.

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