Human evolution, as classical mechanics describes it, is evolution of an organism irrespective of the theory that all the environment participates in its evolution.
Is it possible that animals adapted to the govern of man, at the pace man changed his way?
Is a farm animal, like a cow, the product of co-evolution, i.e mutual evolution? In which, instead of the cows imprisonment to serve man, it found that it has a huge advantage and chance of survival and to enjoy a long life, as long as it devotes itself to a symbiotic life alongside humans?
Something similar can be distinguished from man's relationship with corn. Author of "Omnivore's Dilemma", Michael Pollan describes the early periods of human evolution alongside this grain. The
writer describes the relationship as if the corn has evolved to the
status where it depends on human interference, otherwise the grain will
become extinct. The
relationship is a bit strange, because any species in nature that
relies on an external factor for its survival is considered a parasite. The seeds of corn are so crowded it requires human hands to separate them and to sow them individually. This made Man a slave of the soil, when he took it upon himself the lore of growing grains - a task
that requires his loyalty and devotion to corn, otherwise man finds
himself foraging and hunting as his ancestors have down prior to
adopting the preservation of the corn.
Symbiotic life is reflected through an intelligent template, whose roots can be seen in cellular evolution and even the evolution of the molecule. How come does an atom require 8 electrons in order to be stable? And why are bacteria found inside and outside the cell?
Demarcating Symbiotic Communities
intelligent design is built on cosmic wisdom, based on communication
between elements, and as a result, formation of a community. Resource
sharing enabled bacteria to develop into a status, by which they
finally demarcated the tribe with a membrane and started to develop
communication between tribes in order to produce a larger entity - a
multicellular organism. The
cell's membrane walls are its sensory organ, and through it is able to
detect changes outside the cell and choose the materials entering its
domain. It
is like the skin of a multicellular organism, which is full of
receptors that are communicating sensations of the environment to its
The first membrane of a cell is a leap in evolution for a biological entity, such as the skin of a large multicellular entity is another leap. I wonder if communities of people can form the next leap in evolution, another membrane.
Does Ratio infer Sustainability?
What interested me was the ratio of bacteria to cells in the human body. It's amazing to think that there are 10 times more bacteria than cells. But what struck me even more was the thought that we humans are bacterial in nature! Not only do we have bacteria inside the cell, but we have bacteria outside the cell. Not only do we have a tribe or city of bacteria (cell), but we have farms outside of it (probiotic bacteria). The biological pattern raises all sorts of insights, that develop a relationship between ecology and sustainability.
I'm not saying that every cell has 10 bacteria (even though the ratio indicates such a situation), but the pattern, which implies dedicating about 10 farms to each city can provide her with all her needs, and is essentially a biological imitation and evolutionary solution.
Without appropriate bacterial communities, the bio-availability of food decreases and with it the quality of digestion by intestinal cells.
The question is, are you a pro-biotic being(for - life), a beneficial entity? or an opportunistic entity (tending towards a pathogenic expression)? Will you really take antibiotics, now that you know that it actually launches an attack against the biological foundation of your body? Would you really consume sugar, thereby fermenting the body, or use sugar to ferment external probiotic bacteria (like fermenting Kombucha)?
The human drive for a life of connection, sharing and community was in our bodies blueprint all along. Creation's governance has an important lesson to teach each entity that has reached maturity. The human body is considered a tool of expression of a higher intelligence, and it is a great honor to pursue Self Mastery and evolve onto the next expression. Family is a higher expression of a communal pattern, but to make it work, one has to develop his talents and tools that provide resources and metabolism with a higher spiritual-availability.
Take care of your bacterial nature, and it will take care of you.
The responsibility is in your hands, to your health!
Symbiotic life is reflected through an intelligent template, whose roots can be seen in cellular evolution and even the evolution of the molecule. How come does an atom require 8 electrons in order to be stable? And why are bacteria found inside and outside the cell?
Demarcating Symbiotic Communities
intelligent design is built on cosmic wisdom, based on communication
between elements, and as a result, formation of a community. Resource
sharing enabled bacteria to develop into a status, by which they
finally demarcated the tribe with a membrane and started to develop
communication between tribes in order to produce a larger entity - a
multicellular organism. The
cell's membrane walls are its sensory organ, and through it is able to
detect changes outside the cell and choose the materials entering its
domain. It
is like the skin of a multicellular organism, which is full of
receptors that are communicating sensations of the environment to its
consciousness. The first membrane of a cell is a leap in evolution for a biological entity, such as the skin of a large multicellular entity is another leap. I wonder if communities of people can form the next leap in evolution, another membrane.
Does Ratio infer Sustainability?
What interested me was the ratio of bacteria to cells in the human body. It's amazing to think that there are 10 times more bacteria than cells. But what struck me even more was the thought that we humans are bacterial in nature! Not only do we have bacteria inside the cell, but we have bacteria outside the cell. Not only do we have a tribe or city of bacteria (cell), but we have farms outside of it (probiotic bacteria). The biological pattern raises all sorts of insights, that develop a relationship between ecology and sustainability. I'm not saying that every cell has 10 bacteria (even though the ratio indicates such a situation), but the pattern, which implies dedicating about 10 farms to each city can provide her with all her needs, and is essentially a biological imitation and evolutionary solution.
Bacteria as intermediates on Biological Surfaces
Existence of bacteria on the body's surfaces provides interaction with substances in the environment. About 29% of the ecological population is in the intestines, and 26% in the mouth. Together, the internal environment of the body is coated with more than half the ecosystem. This is very important because they are the first line of digestion. Like turning food scraps into compost depends on digestion by bacteria and other minuscule organisms, and as the root of each plant depend on bacteria to transform materials into nourishment (with higher bio-availability), so are the roots of our digestive system require probiotic population to convert materials (fruit, vegetables, etc.) into nutrients, with a higher bio-availability.Without appropriate bacterial communities, the bio-availability of food decreases and with it the quality of digestion by intestinal cells.
The question is, are you a pro-biotic being(for - life), a beneficial entity? or an opportunistic entity (tending towards a pathogenic expression)? Will you really take antibiotics, now that you know that it actually launches an attack against the biological foundation of your body? Would you really consume sugar, thereby fermenting the body, or use sugar to ferment external probiotic bacteria (like fermenting Kombucha)?
The human drive for a life of connection, sharing and community was in our bodies blueprint all along. Creation's governance has an important lesson to teach each entity that has reached maturity. The human body is considered a tool of expression of a higher intelligence, and it is a great honor to pursue Self Mastery and evolve onto the next expression. Family is a higher expression of a communal pattern, but to make it work, one has to develop his talents and tools that provide resources and metabolism with a higher spiritual-availability.
if you control your food choices,
you control the population.
Take care of your bacterial nature, and it will take care of you.The responsibility is in your hands, to your health!
Joel D. Jacobson
Note: This is a translation of an article of mine that was published in a Hebrew newsletter on a website called Nomind.co.il. Article originally published there on May 19th, 2013.
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